Disclaimer: The Mississippi Bankruptcy Conference provides links to other resources for convenience. The listing on this website of any resources shall not be deemed to be a public endorsement of the contents of any website listed or of any organization and may not be advertised as an endorsement without the express written consent of the Mississippi Bankruptcy Conference, Inc.
Court Sites
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Mississippi
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Mississippi
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Mississippi
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, S.D. Mississippi
Bankruptcy Associations
American College of Bankruptcy
American Bar Association- Business Bankruptcy Committee
Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute
American Association of Bankruptcy Attorneys
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees
Government Links:
United States Courts - Bankruptcy Resources - quick links and bankruptcy basics
National Archives and Records Administration
Mississippi Sites of Interest
Mississippi Secretary of State
National Associations
National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees
Federal Court Clerks Association
Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing
Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing Website
Credit Abuse Resistance Education program
Legal Assistance
American Bar Association - Consumer's Guide to Legal Help on the Internet
University of Mississippi Legal Resources Reference
Federal Judiciary
Northern District of Mississippi (Bankruptcy) Web PACER!
Federal Government
National Archives and Records Administration
United States House of Representatives
General Services Administration (GSA)
U.S. Trustee
Credit Counseling & Debtor Education
Approved Credit Counseling Agencies
Approved Debtor Education Providers
Other resources
National Bankruptcy Archives, Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania Law School